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Adrian Smith Announces 2024 Angels in Adoption Honorees

Adrian Smith

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Adrian Smith (R-NE) announced Neil and Whitney Wolford of Hastings as the 2024 Angels in Adoption honorees for Nebraska's Third District.

"Many Third District Nebraskans generously sacrifice daily to open their homes to children in need of adoption and foster care," Smith said. "The role of the Angels in Adoption award is to honor those who have gone above and beyond to provide the loving home children deserve. I am pleased to recognize Neil and Whitney Wolford, who have served as foster parents and consistent advocates for Nebraska youth. Their steadfast commitment to have a positive impact on all parties involved in the foster care system while supporting family reunification whenever appropriate is exemplary."


The Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute's Angels in Adoption initiative provides Members of Congress the opportunity to honor an individual or entity from their district which has made an extraordinary contribution on behalf of children in need of homes.